Independence eve

July 3, 2008

Happy Fourth of July Eve. If, like me, you live in a state where fireworks are legal to sell, buy, and set off from morning until night on the week of the Fourth, maybe you’re not so excited.

I had a busy evening, and we’re going out of town tomorrow morning for a mini-honeymoon and to celebrate Matt’s birthday, so I’ll make this quick. After the gym tonight I was starving, so I made a few things I knew would be fast:

Open-faced Mushroom Lover’s burger (I don’t typically believe in this “open-faced” nonsense but the only thing we had in the house that even vaguely resembled a bun was a single piece of Ezekiel bread) with swiss cheese, whole wheat couscous, and steamed citrus veggies. Took all of ten minutes, so. All in all, a good thing.

Also featured: new flatware!

I then went to do laundry (FOR FREE – thanks, Donna!) and had some cookies and blood orange tea. Then I came home and ate kind of an obscene amount of birthday cake. This time my hands are even blue. Oops.

Now I’m going to see if we have some beer in here somewhere. The fireworks are starting to get to me.

I survived Anaheim.

July 2, 2008

But just barely.

No, not really, it’s nothing that dramatic. I’m just recovering from four and a half packed days of librarianliness. And a month or so of very little sleep.

Southern California is just like on TV. Palm trees everywhere, really terrible traffic, sunshine all the time. I took my running shoes and workout clothes like I do to every single conference I attend, but this time I actually used them, which was novel. It was so nice outside that it was hard not to go running (not my usual problem). That, coupled with the fact that I pretty much lived on energy bars, trail mix, Kashi crackers, and instant oatmeal, meant that I came home feeling normal instead of bloated and gross. Though, I was ready to kill someone for a vegetable. Or some peanut butter. I didn’t have to, but I was ready.

I am now 25, by the way, and that means that I am more insightful and responsible. That came in handy when I almost had to rent a car since I booked my return flight from San Diego. Which, in case you’re as unfamiliar with Southern California geography as I was, is not that close to Anaheim. I was too worried about the honking drivers and the carpool lanes and the no space between cars, though, so I signed my soul away to take a shuttle. And when I finally got home, after that shuttle, a flight, and a two hour drive back from the airport here, I was exhausted. Luckily, I was greeted by this when I opened the front door:

Presents! Matt got me three of my favorite cookbooks to own (Eat, Drink, and be Vegan; The Food You Crave; and Veganomicon). And his mom got me many things, several of which were food-related, including dried cherries and fancy granola. Thanks, Matt and Debbie! I also opened cards from my family. Thanks, family!

Matt took me out to dinner last night, so no pictures of that. We are leaving again on Friday morning, so I didn’t want to buy food. I had a Greek salad with no olives (because they’re gross) and a few of Matt’s french fries. And maybe a beer? I can’t remember. Like I said, exhausted.

Today I had a surprise birthday cake at work. Here’s an artistic representation of it, captured with my MacBook.

It turned my mouth blue. Also, my nose, but that was unintended.

Tonight I made a quick dinner before Matt left with a few random things I knew we had in the house.

Whole wheat pasta with roasted red peppers, spinach, feta, and a light lemon vinaigrette. Delicious. Looks just like what we ate last Wednesday, but tasted different.

When Matt left for work, I immediately fell asleep and I just woke up a few minutes ago. I was planning to go to the gym, because I’ve broken my no cardio = no dessert rule two days in a row, but I think I have too many things to do around here. Read: I am going to attempt to unpack my suitcase and then fall asleep again soon. Also, I’m planning to milk this birthday thing for all it’s worth.

I may have some more cake first. Yoga was pretty tough today.